Lbas piketas prie latvijos ambasados rygoje

30 LBAS ir šakinių profesinių sąjungų atstovų dalyvavo pikete. LBAS prezidentas Peteris Krigers Lietuvos ambasados Rygoje atstovui perdavė LBAS paramos laiškus, adresuotus Lietuvos ministrui pirmininkui, Parlamento pirmininkui ir Lietuvos ambasadoriui Rygoje. Išėjęs iš Ambasados Vicekonsulas paspaudė piketuotojams rankas.


LBAS picket at the Embassy of Lithuania in Riga

Today at 12.00 at the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Riga Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia (LBAS) peacefully expressed it solidarity with trade unions of Lithuania which at that time organized a major protest action against recent Government’s policies. 30 representatives from LBAS office and affiliated branch trade unions participated at the picket. Peteris Krigers, LBAS President, delivered LBAS support letter to the Vice Consul of the Embassy of Lithuania in Riga addressed to the Prime Minister of Lithuania, Chairperson of the Parliament of Lithuania and the Ambassador of Lithuania in Riga. Vice Consul of the Embassy came out of the office to shake hands with picketers.

Riga, 16 January 2009

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