

In Lithuania bipartite social dialogue is week compare with Norwegian and other EU countries. Lithuanian social partners on national level are rarely autonomously involved in bipartite cross-sectoral dialogue in the design and implementation of reforms and policies.  Increasingly it becomes clear that there is a need for national cross-sectoral social partners confederations: Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation and Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists to agree on joint activities, positions and strategy, to increase capacity to take part on bipartite social dialogue. The main area of the project is implementation of decent work agenda through improved social dialogue of cross sectoral social partners, by using and developing cooperation and experience of Norwegian social partners.

The project is funded by the Norwegian agency Innovation Norway 2014-2021 Norwegian Financial Mechanism “Social Dialogue – Decent Work” program.

Project duration: July 2020 – end of June 2022.

“Trade Unions for a Fair Recovery”

Strengthening the role of trade unions in mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 crisis.

Project duration: January 2022 June 2023.

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