New Labour Code in Lithuania: Issues with a Double Employee Representation System

In Lithuania workers are represented by trade unions, work councils or trustees.

A work council and a trustee mostly have the same rights and obligations. The main difference is that a work council may be established, if in an enterprise work more than 20 employees. If a firm is smaller, a trustee may be elected.

A right of collective bargaining belongs exceptionally to trade unions.

Information and counseling are main functions of work councils. If more than 1/3 of workers are members of a trade union, a work council is not established and all its functions are given to a trade union. 1/3 of enterprise’s workers do not have to belong to one trade union (i. e. members of all trade unions are summed together). In some particular cases, for example, if it is planned to fire many employees, an employer has to inform and consult with both.)

This system creates a situation when workers’ representation gets more complicated and harder to implement effectively. It is not easy to bargain when you do not get relevant information quickly.

In LPSK’s opinion, this double system leads to a worse representation of workers’ interests and undermines trade unions’ influence and bargaining power. It is important to emphasize, that institutes of work councils and trustees in Lithuania are created artificially and is more a formality. Lithuania was criticized by the institutions of the EU, that information and consultation procedures are not fulfilled enough. This problem was solved by creating low-value institutions of workers’ representation. Sadly, work councils often are more or less loyal to employers and we cannot talk about an independent representation. People are not motivated to represent workers heartily and lack the necessary skills.

It is important to emphasize, that the institutes of work councils and trustees in Lithuania are created artificially and are more a formality. Lithuania was criticized by the institutions of the EU, that information and consultation procedures are not fulfilled enough. This problem was “solved” by creating low-value institutions of workers’ representation. Sadly, work councils often are more or less loyal to employers and we cannot talk about an independent representation. People are not motivated to represent workers heartily and lack the necessary skills. Due to the

Due to the institute of a trustee, their influence and capacity to achieve something important are even more doubtful.

These changes create unnecessary confusion.

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